Special Advisor and Technical Expert (Auto Insurance Strategy and Transformation)

**This is an 18-Month Contract Position**


As a member of the Auto/Insurance Products Team, you will provide strategic and technical expertise, advice and recommendations in the development and review of the overall policy direction and regulatory framework and related legislation, policies, strategies and issues solutions for the effective regulation of the automobile industry in Ontario.  


  • Leading the conceptualization, development, implementation, evaluation and negotiation of strategies and directions to drive FSRA’s auto insurance policy agenda, legislative/regulatory framework and related policies.

  • Acting as FSRA’s expert technical resource in the field of automobile insurance regulation, legislation, policy and programs.

  • Leads and/or provides technical expertise for the establishment of working/advisory committees and leading consultations with other Canadian and international jurisdictions.  

  • Providing authoritative strategic and technical expertise to the executive leadership team on legislative, policy and regulatory strategy options, solutions and recommendations to address current and emerging auto insurance sector and regulatory issues in Ontario and other jurisdictions.

  • Planning, managing and providing technical expertise and/or acting as a special advisor in the development, implementation and revision of FSRA automobile insurance and legislation, policies, processes to support the regulation of the automobile insurance industry in Ontario.   


Specialized Knowledge and Experience

  • Demonstrated knowledge of the structures, operations, programs and products of the automobile insurance industry and understanding of FSRA’s mandate and risk-based approach to auto insurance regulation to act as FSRA’s technical expert on auto insurance regulation. 

  • Proven expertise in policy and program development principles and techniques, project management and the interpretation and application of Ontario auto insurance regulations and policies to lead concurrent large-scale strategy development and legislation/policy initiatives. .

  • Demonstrated knowledge of federal and provincial insurance regulatory insurance and the insurance regulatory environment across Canada to provide leadership and expert technical consulting services. 


  • Proven leadership skills to establish/lead expert advisory committees and project teams of internal staff and external industry experts. 

  • Demonstrated skills to identify and lead the analysis of a wide range of high profile and diverse and emerging industry and public stakeholder trends, issues and needs requiring policy response.  

  • Demonstrated presentation and facilitation skills to explain and promote a policy position or strategic options and to present research results/analyses to executives.

  • Demonstrated written communication skills to prepare complex analyses, detailed strategies, policy frameworks, policy submissions and presentation materials.

  • Proven relationship management and consensus building skills to develop and maintain  key stakeholder relationships and partnerships and to represent FSRA on inter-jurisdictional committees.